Full Ammo

Check out our Facebook or Twitter for up to date info on future shows.
Full Ammo has a show every other Friday at 7pm, typically in 006 Theatre Building. Full Ammo's shows are 100% improvised which means that we come up with all our scenes on the spot. There are no scripts, no preset roles, and no limit to the possibilities!
Traditionally, there are two different types of comedic improvisation: short-form improv and long-form. Short-form consists of improvised games, similar to what you may have seen on Whose Line Is It Anyway? In long-form improv, performers take a suggestion from the audience and use it to base their series of scenes on.
November 03, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
Who said Halloween was over?!?!?
We're excited to invite you to a special Halloween improv show performed by your favorite troupe and our improv alumi Alex Conti, Chris Collier, and Matt Campbell..
They return to us from NYC where they have immersed themselves in the real world and comedy... Let's see if they got funny!
This show will prove to be spoopy beyond measures so show up in costume and get ready to break your funny bone!
Room 6 - 7PM Free
October 20, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
Terry Withers has been here all week doing workshops with FULL AMMO so we are excited to show you what we've learned. Terry will be performing with us so it promises to be a show to remember!
See you there ;)
September 22, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
Come to our totally free improv show in the black box in the Theater building!
This Friday, September 22nd! @ 7 PM!!!
We won't guarnetee the lady of the arsenal will grant thee a quest but hey, anything can happen at one of these things!
September 08, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
Come be a part of the ritual! All are welcome to attend this free comedic improv show.
August 25, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
It's the first week of school so let's get sylly together with some improv! Come hang with us in the Theatre Building on Friday. See you there :)
It's FREE so bring your friends, your friend's friends, your grandparents, your dog, etc. Anyone and everyone is welcome!
June 24, 2017
Stuck Inside of a Snake Prov - Bitprov
4:00 AM - UCB East (153 East 3rd St)
Full Ammo Improv - College Sets
1:00 PM - Theater for the New City Cabaret (155 1st Avenue)
Don't miss your favorite goons performing during this unforgettable improv festival!
Be there or be square! You'd be a square cause you're not aROUND... Get it?!? Like a circle? I promise we're funnier in person :P
April 21, 2017
8:00 PM & 7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
Thursday's show starts at 8 and Fridays show starts at 7!
see you there :)
April 21, 2017
10:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
It's the BEST TIME OF THE YEAR! Comedy Late Night is here again! Join Full Ammo Improv, Second Floor Standup, Phroth, and In Memoriam Sketch for a night of what we consider COMEDY! Come on out and decide whether or not you consider it comedy, too! This event is completely FREE so feel FREE to attend! HEHEHEHEHEHE!
"Hey do you guys have any molly?" - some guy at a rave
"Wanna see me glove?" - another guy at a rave, possibly the same rave as the guy from above
"I...I think I love you!" - no one to me ever
"Ha." - you guys in the audience, hopefully

April 07, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
We're bringing vine back this weekend so come on out to this FREE EVENT if you love and miss vine as much as we do. Also, we encourage you to eat saltines for dinner with no beverage and let us know how it goes for ya. See you tomorrow!
April 01, 2017
2:00 PM - 102 Forum
Full Ammo will be headlining the college teams at this year's Rawr, RAWR666!
March 17, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
Top of the moring Facebook! You've struck some luck, we've got a show this Friday!! It's Saint Patrick's Day so feel free to be like the Irish (oh god this is a stereotype but it fits here I'm sorry) and drink a Guiness or two before following the rainbow over to our show! Tell all your lads and lassies to join the fun!
February 25, 2017
10:00 PM - Heritage Hall in the HUB
Looking for a laugh? Come see our latest Latenight event featuring this comedic duo! It is free with a valid University Park PSU ID!
February 24, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
Come pregame your State Patty's Weekend with us!!!! FREE improv show this Friday!!!
February 10, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Buidling
FREE IMPROV SHOW "The Exorcism of David Blaine" will be performed by Full Ammo Improv and will be completely made up on the spot.
This show has not yet been rated but we think it's definitely not suitable for children under the age of 13. So if you are under 13 either don't come or bring your older siblings ID
January 27, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Buidling
SOME animals like to steal and SOME are made of steel aka steel mammals. yes they're magnetic thanks for asking.
Come out for some FREE improv comedy and a great time 😜 please don't bring any squirrels, raccoons, or any other steel mammals thank you.
January 13, 2017
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
WERE BAAAACK!!! it's spring semester
new year, same flammo
but we're predicting some 2017 fashion trends:
rubber band chokers, wallet chains from ear to nose piercing, trash bag hairnets, snake skin scarves, fit bit anklets and pizza bagel bite belly rings
stay thirsty my friends
December 08, 2016
7:00 PM - 112 Chambers (Both Nights)
HI GUYS sorry for being confusing last week..... but we can put the past behind us right???
THIS week we will be having TWO , yup TWO, SHOWS for you to come enjoy before the end of the semester. Thursday and Friday both starting at 7 pm! they will be in 111 CHAMBERS BUILDING. come say ta ta for now to us with your friends!
November 12, 2016
10:00 PM - Burger King Lounge, HUB
Full Ammo Improv and Second Floor Standup are teaming up with SPA!!!!!!!!
We'll be performing an hour of free comedy in a brand new venue! Come out to see 30 minutes of improv and 30 minutes of standup! You won't regret it!
November 11, 2016
10:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
Comedy Late Night is back and sloppier than ever! Join Full Ammo Improv, Second Floor Standup, Phroth, and In Memoriam Sketch for a night of what we consider COMEDY! Put those wallets away because this event is FREE!
"I don't get it." - My dad
"Four score and seven years ago was the last time I laughed. That is, until I came to this event!" - Abraham Lincoln
"I've never kissed another dude, I'm not gay! I'm just saying that I'm willing to try." - Troy, Starting Varsity Quarterback for Millbrook High School
"Bark bark!" -Benji
November 04, 2016
8:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
hey guys i just made this event to advertise our FREE IMPROV COMEDY SHOW this friday at 8 pm!!!! i really just want to let people know how fun & enjoyable it'll be so i decided to use facebook to invite people!!!! do you know where the button is that does that???? why can't i add a bitmoji??? siri google facebook help siri play perfect illusion by lady gaga

Silver Circle's Annual Witches Ball
October 21, 2016
9:00 PM - 2nd Floor Office Space Next to The Dance Studio, HUB
We will be performing a 15 minute set at Silver Circle's annual Witches Ball!
"Witches Ball is an annual event focused on building community around the Pagan community, about dispelling myths regarding Witches and Witchcraft, and also having a good time celebrating the tradition of Halloween. Many folks in the Pagan community celebrate a religious holiday around the autumnal cross quarter (approximately November 2) called Samhain (pronounced Sow-en). Halloween is more of a creation of Christianity in Europe set on Oct 31. At the Witches Ball, people of all creeds who accept people who may have separate beliefs, and enjoy costume parties, are very much welcome to 'party with the Pagans." - Penn State's Pagan Student Organization
October 20, 2016
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
yea okay we know.... our shows are usually Friday but this week we're performing on Thursday SUE US. FREE COMEDY IS FUN FOR EVERYONE. We'll be in theater building room 6!!!If one show isn't enough for you, we'll also be performing at the witches ball in the HUB room 233AB on Friday! See y'all there
October 07, 2016
7:00 PM - Room 6 Theatre Building
“Staters! Ready your spirits and laugh hearty… For tonight, we chuckle in the basement of the theater building!" Someone from Sparta actually said this!!
Seriously, come out to Theater Building room 6 to make Spar.... I mean Homecoming, a weekend to remember! This show will be just rowdy and goofy enough to kick off your homecoming festivities. See you there!
an hour of FREE IMPROVISED COMEDY from your favorite improv gang ✨✨✨✨
September 27, 2016
8:00 PM - Hub Flex Theater
Come see the amazing talent that lives here, at Penn State. Groups performing include Full Ammo Improv, No Refund Theatre, School of Theatre, The Penn State Thespians, and Wonderlust Theatre Company.
September 24, 2016
6:10 PM - Ohio State University
We are so excited to be at the Bellwether improv festival, hosted by the amazing Ohio State University's very own 8th Floor Improv.
September 09, 2016
7:00 PM - School of Theatre Room 6
Full Ammo's been plagued by UTI's and we want to tell you the horrors of our EVIL PEE!
August 26, 2016
7:00 pm - Room 6 Theatre Building
Come on out to the first show of the semester. It's free. It's hot out. We're hot here. Hit us up ;)