Full Ammo

What is RAWR?
RAWR is a FREE two-day improv festival hosted by Full Ammo. We invite collegiate and professional teams from all over the country to come and perform right here at Penn State.
RAWR 8 will take place March 15-16, 2019. If you are interested in the festival, please email us at fullammoimprov@gmail.com.
In the past we have had the pleasure of hosting professional teams such as UCB TourCo, UCB Harold teams Mermaids and Ice Cold Bev, David Mamet's The New David Mamet Play with Terry Withers and Hunter Nelson, and My Privacy.
College teams that have participated in RAWR include
Without a Net (University of Pennsylvania)
No Parking Players (Carnegie Mellon)
Georgetown Improv Association (Georgetown University)
Ruckus (University of Pittsburgh)
Deep Dish Pizzazz (West Chester University)
IMPROVment (Case Western Reserve University)
Mission Improv-able (American University)
The Bureau (University of Maryland)
Swomo (Emerson College)
Fishbowl (Ohio State)
BRAD Improv (Bard College)